This year, our desire was to find an innovative way to help our prayer warriors, family, and church feel a part of this trip. So, we recoded short videos along the way to give God glory and set the scene. We saw so many miracles and supernatural events it's hard to put them into words or even in a video. Recently, someone asked how many people came to know the Lord? I'm not a big fan of numbers, but it was awesome to say I really don't know. There were so many opportunities for our teams and those around us to share Christ in these unreached areas. I truly was blown away by God's faithfulness. Thanks to our amazing National Partner we also had the opportunity to meet a variety of church planters who are doing an amazing job, including one area where we had biblical training last year. Since that time, this young pastor has launched 3 more churches and a christian school which has over 50 students and 7 teachers. ...