Ghana - Day four

To each person who has prayed for us, bought a t-shirt, participated in a project, gave money or provided words of encouragement, you have changed our world forever. Thank you, doesn't seem to be enough, yet that is all we have to offer. Well, a hug from a cute little boy is coming soon.  We spent a full day with E'man.  He is calling us Mommy and Daddy and tells everyone is coming to America.  His personality is over the top, his smile melts your heart, his laugh is contagious and his dance moves make you smile.  This little boy who almost died twice is now our son! This little boy whose father and mother stated they did want him, now has a family surrounded by friends who love him, because of your generosity.

In these moments, you are confronted with the brutal reality of the world. We will share more about what we have seen and heard about child slavery in the coming weeks.  Over the years, we have been asked over and over again "why go there" and we try to smile and be polite and say God has called us to go "there".  The question is, usually followed with there is so much to do here. We agree there is much to be done "here".  We would love to hear more about how you are serving and how we can get involved with you. :))) 

There is so much on my heart tonight about our view of the gospel and the need to disciple.  The word is alive because the author and creator is still at work.  The walk is challenging and hard, it may feel like its easier to quit at times.  However, please remember you may be one step away from an awaking. The magnificent unexplainable beauty of a rainbow can only be seen after a storm.  A testimony is built through a series of tests and all with the creator walking by your side preparing you to see his glory in His way.

I am a weak sinful man who has many pitfalls and weaknesses. Yet, I am blown away that God would chose me or allow me to see what I have seen. I am learning to stop asking what God's will is for my life  and simply follow him even when it simply doesn't make sense. Again, we are humbled by you.  

To my small group on Monday nights. I love you and am so thankful for your faithfulness and friendship.

To our Wednesday night group. Thank you for allowing me to work out my knowledge and beliefs in front of you.  You breathe such a fire in me.

To my family- thank you for putting up with me! I know my faith journey has come at a cost at times with you As I have tried to learn how to live with  convictions and love. You have been steadfast with your grace. I love you! 


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