No one...just like you!!


I am thankful for the opportunity I have through technology to write and tell you a little of your life story. Admittedly, as you can imagine I spend a lot of time thinking about you and wondering what your life will be like. I have spent time reading and studying your social report. The reality is people will try to label you and even now call you orphan. However, labels don’t tell the real story behind who you are and who you will be. No one else has your eyes, nose, smile or even your laughter. No one will be able to hug, hold my hand or call me daddy just like you. No one will be able to play, laugh and cry with your sisters just like you. No one will be able to look at your mommy and tell her you love her just like you.

Emmanuel you were never fatherless. The creator of all things formed you and molded you into his image in such a unique way, there is only ONE you. I pray over the years we become very close, and I can be the Father you need me to be. Most importantly, I pray that I lead you to the cross. I pray I disciple you in such a way you know and love the authority of God’s perfect written word. Whose authority should never be questioned but worshiped. I pray as I teach you to fish, he teaches you to be fishers of men. I pray as I teach you to follow through on your jump shot, he teaches you to follow him in every step of your life even when it doesn’t make sense.

You see Emmanuel you were never orphaned or fatherless. God has been unmistakably weaving this masterpiece together for thousands of years just so we can be together so I can call you son, and you can call me Daddy. My heart beats and yearns to meet you, but I also know with each passing day our bond grows stronger and stronger. Some call you orphan…I call you my son. I love you!

Adoption update: 
None at this time.  We are praying the suspension ends soon.

Personal note:
Patience is not easy, but patience is forcing me to answer life-changing questions. Which Gospel do I believe in? A prosperity gospel that tells me if I name it, I can claim it. A watered-down gospel that teaches if I repeat a few man-made words, I can live my life my way and still receive all that God has to offer without any true sacrifice. The biblical gospel is teaching me. He is Sovereign over-all things and my need for submissiveness, repentance and true heart change has never been more important.


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