Revelation and timing

Adoption update: The brakes have been put on. We are in a holding pattern waiting for forms to clear and the adoptive African country to approve our paperwork and provide new travel dates. I can’t say we were surprised, but it did leave us a little emotionally drained. For two months, we were moving at hundred miles an hour and within seconds you are complete stop.

We are in the process of designing T-shirt’s which we will make available soon. The proceeds will go towards our adoption fund to bring our little man home. Yeah…I probably need to ask a real graphic designer instead of trying to do it myself or stealing someone else’s idea. We are also open to other fundraising ideas, so please feel free to share with us.
I have also started reading Orphanology by Tony Merida & Rick Morton. The timing of this book for me personally couldn’t be better. If I am brutally honest, there are times I stop and wonder what are we doing? Is this really the right thing to do? As one of our instructors said in a seminar, when you go to pick up your child…you are basically kidnapping your child.

Kidnapping…are you serious? That’s the word you are going to use? I was offended at her word choice, but then she said it again and again. I sat there stunned and perhaps for the first time started to feel a little of his pain. Kidnapping was the right word which provided a powerful visualization of the coming reality for our son. Strangers are coming to take him from everything he knows so that we can quickly return to the safety of everything we know. Every sight, sound, taste, feel he has ever known is being taken from him. Perhaps for the first time all my thoughts were focused on him alone.

I say that to be transparent and humbly ask for you to pray for Emmanuel.
Yes, I do believe we are doing the right thing. I am grateful for the opportunity to process the meaning of these thoughts and try to put everything into proper perspective.

We really can change world…we can impact the world by changing the life of one person at a time. Listen to words of this classic song.


The Hamilton's said…
Rob and Kathy, your feelings are real and need to be there. After we adopted Mari Cate, I am quite certain that I went through post-partum depression...but I questioned how could that be, but I truly believe that we go through a different kind of depression. One like you are speaking of..."what have I done?" They are feelings you have to work through and when you know that you have done God's will you know that He will also be beside you all the way.

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