Next stop...Nepal!

One of the greatest things about being a Christ-Follower is the humbling opportunity to serve him in a foreign context.  This year, we will have a chance to participate in vision trip to Nepal. The focus of the trip is prayer-walking and evangelism to unreached people groups in the foothills of the Himalaya's.  Our team value each and every prayer.  We will try to provide updates along the way.

I am so humbled by this experience and for every person who has poured into me through the years!  God has used you to shape and mold me!  One of greatest gifts is the core fundamental beliefs about the Bible.   I don't take the question lightly nor attempt to minimize it's importance.  For me, the question comes down to what I believe about the Bible.  If I believe the Bible to be true then what does that mean?  

Risk it all for the sake of the gospel!


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